Casatoria in Egipt - Acte necesare la Ambasada RomanaSingura casatorie recunoscuta de catre statul roman este cea oficiata la Ministerul de Justitie egiptean din Cairo, care poate avea loc...
Inscriere certificat de casatorie prin Ambasada României de la CairoDocumente necesare: - Certificat egiptean de casatorie (electronic) - stampilat la MAE Egypt / tradus la dl. Chihab Jandali - Certificat...
Property Division in Divorce in Egypt / Partajul in EgiptEn: All the things you know about the European divorce division - forget! Egyptian division is different - because there is no notion of...
In Egypt married women don't need their husband's permission to travelEn: Married women no longer legally require permission from their husbands to travel. Unmarried women under the age of 21 must have...
Ways to Divorce in Egypt / Modalitati de divort in EgiptEn: Divorce in Egypt can be done in two ways: The first way is by mutual consent which is made without court. The husband should tell his...
The fastest and easiest way to divorce in EgyptEn: The fastest and easiest way to divorce in an Egyptian Court is when you have no material/financial claims. In this case the judges...
Pasaport Simplu Electronic - in Romania si la AmbasadaRomania Documentele se depun personal, de catre solicitanti; La depunerea cererii, solicitantului i se preiau impresiunile digitale şi...