Property Division in Divorce in Egypt / Partajul in Egipt
En: All the things you know about the European divorce division - forget!
Egyptian division is different - because there is no notion of sharing, like we have in Europe.
In Egypt every spouse when he buys something expensive - he makes a receipt in his name. So in case of divorce each spouse gets out of the divorce with what is in his name . For objects that they do not have a receipt for - they bring witnesses who declare who bought the items.
For example: if the husband buys a house in his name, even during marriage, he will not split it with his wife, nor will his wife take it. Only if she will prove that she contributed with money (she will have to present witnesses, receipts, etc.) she'll have the right to a part of the house.
Make receipts on everything you buy (valuable things) and if you contribute with money to purchase a building, car, etc., ask to be written into the ownership papers!

Ro: Tot ce stiti despre partajul romanesc / european - uitati!
Partajul egiptean e diferit - deoarece nu exista notiunea de a imparti, cea "europeana". In Egipt fiecare sot atunci cand cumpara ceva mai costisitor - face chitanta pe numele sau, asa ca la partaj fiecare pleaca cu ce este pe numele lui in acte. Pentru obiectele pe care nu au chitanta - sotii aduc martori in istanta, care declara cine a cumparat obiectele.
De exemplu: daca sotul cumpara o casa pe numele lui, chiar si in timpul casatoriei, la partaj sotia nu primeste casa si nici nu o imparte cu sotul - numai daca ea demonstreaza ca a contribuit cu bani ( aduce martori, chitante etc) se imparte casa. Daca sotia nu a contribuit cu nimic, si nici nu este trecuta pe actul casei, nu are nici un drept la fel se intampla si cu toate celelalte obiecte.
Faceti chitante pe tot ce cumparati de valoare, iar daca contribuiti cu bani la achizitionarea unui imobil, masina etc, cereti sa fiti trecuta in actele de proprietate!