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Ways to Divorce in Egypt / Modalitati de divort in Egipt

En: Divorce in Egypt can be done in two ways:

The first way is by mutual consent which is made without court.

The husband should tell his wife that he divorces her (once or 3 times). Then he goes to any institution (that makes/legalizes marriages) and he will receive from there a document which recognizes the divorce. This divorce usually is made between people who do not want to wash their "dirty laundry" in court. But it is a divorce that is not really accepted by men, because after the divorce the husband must give his wife all the money and all the material benefits that are stipulated in the marriage contract.

The second way is divorce through court.

For this you need to arm yourself with patience, some cash and a good lawyer.

The divorce through court can last from one month to several years, depending greatly of:

- how crowded the court is

- how hard is the case

- how many requirements the spouses have

- how competent the lawyers are.

In the courts of Egypt can divorce muslim spouses and spouses with mixed religions, rarely it happens to divorce spouses who belong to the Coptic Orthodox religion.


Ro: Divortul in Egypt se poate face prin doua modalitati:

Prima modalitate este divortul "in particular", care se face fara tribunal.

Adica sotul trebuie sa spuna de 3 ori (sau o data) ca divorteaza de sotie. Apoi el se duce la orice institutie, care oficializeaza casatorii si declara acolo ca a divortat de sotie si i se va da un act la mana prin care se recunoaste divortul.

Acest divort, deobicei, se face intre oamenii care nu doresc sa ajunga sa-si "spele rufele murdare" prin tribunale. Dar este un divort care nu prea e agreat de barbati, deoarece in urma acestui divort, sotul trebuie sa ii dea sotiei toti banii si toate beneficiile materiale care sunt stipulate in contractul de casatorie.

A doua modalitate este divortul la tribunal.

Pentru acesta trebuie sa va inarmati cu multa rabdare, ceva banuti si un avocat bun.

Divortul la tribunal poate dura de la 1 luna pana la cativa ani, depinzand foarte mult de:

- cat de aglomerat e tribunal,

- de cerintele sotilor

- de competenta avocatilor.

In tribunalele din Egypt pot divorta sotii musulmani sau sotii cu religii mixte, rar se intampla sa divorteze sotii care apartin de religia ortodoxa copta.

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