The fastest and easiest way to divorce in Egypt

En: The fastest and easiest way to divorce in an Egyptian Court is when you have no material/financial claims.
In this case the judges (because they are 3) will address you only three questions: - "Are you sure you want to divorce?" - "Why do you want this?" - "You agree to give up any right over your husband / the material goods and money?"
The court will require each spouse to bring 1 or 2 witnesses to try to reconcile you, if you don't have anyone, the court will give you two clerks to mediate things for you.
These divorces are made very quickly. With a very good lawyer - you can have the sentence in your hands between 3 weeks and 2 months ... depending on how busy is the court where the trial is held.
Good luck!
Ro: Cea mai usoara si rapida metoda de divort prin tribunal in Egipt
Metoda cea mai rapida si usoara de divort este atunci cand nu aveti pretentii materiale.
In acest caz judecatorii (pentru ca sunt 3) va vor adresa doar 3 intrebari:
-De “Sunteti sigura ca doriti sa divortati?” -“De ce doriti acest lucru?” -“Sunteti de acord sa renuntati la orice drept asupra sotului si asupra bunurilor materiale si banesti?”
Apoi va cere ca fiecare sot sa aduca 1 sau 2 martori care sa incerce sa va impace, daca nu aveti pe nimeni, judecatoria o sa va dea doi functionari de acolo sa medieze lucrurile pentru dumneavoastra.
Aceste divorturi se finalizeaza foarte repede. Cu un avocat bun si rapid, puteti avea sentinata in mana intre 3 saptamani si 2 functie de cat de aglomerat este tribunalul unde se desfasoara procesul.